So sometimes I over-react, doesn't everybody? Obviously there was no grease monster at work but I swear my tummy sounded evil. The whole thought process did happen though, and in hindsight that's probably why it took so long to fill the fridge. I often have extended daydreams especially when there's no one around to keep me company, my boss may as well be a recluse because he never talks. Only when he wants to point out your not doing enough. Anyhoo, I have a surprise for you, Imagine if you will the Cheshire cat's grin and then superimpose it to my face..........I GOT MY MOTHERFUCKEN MARS BAR IN BATTER BITCHES....! SUCK ON IT! It was like heaven wrapped in orgasms, fried in angel tears, I'm getting all teary eyed at the thought. Damn it now I want another one. I just ate it literally 5 min's ago. there's probably some left, hang on a tic. paper bag rustles. YUMMO! god I'm a pig. :)
Goodnight all......sweet dreams in noddy land, say hello to the fairies for me.
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